Monday, September 15, 2014

Blake's First Day

Something quite unusual happened 2 weeks ago ...
For the first time in a very long time ... 5 years to be exact ...
my house was quiet.
So quiet that you could literally drop a pin ...
and hear it land, if you wished.

This is because -
for the first time in FIVE YEARS,
both Sophie and Blake went to school ...
at the same time. 

Can I hear an AMEN?!?!

For Blake, his first day was really not that unusual.
He has known this school as if he were a student himself ...
since birth.

Blake was born mid-way through Sophie's Mommy & Me class
so for as long as he can remember, he has been going daily to drop
his big sister off at school.

And now, it's his turn. 
And he is doing great.
He loves his teachers, Miss Sara and Miss Ashley
and seems to be having a fantastic time.
Blake runs to class and hardly gives me a wave to say goodbye.
These first days of school, I've lagged behind to make sure he's okay.
And I think it's confused him to see me still around.
I really should just go.

Blake's only disappointment so far is that his very best friend RJ
is in the other class, the Peaches, while Blake is Banana.
Blake is sure to let me know this daily ...
"Mommy, RJ is a Peach and Blakey is a Banana".
Fortunately, they spend afternoons together.
Otherwise this might be his greatest disappointment in life.

Here are some pictures from Blake's first day of Preschool:

 Oh yes, I made him pose with the commemorative sign ...
I am THAT parent.
He should be thankful that Sophie's was much bigger.
Just you wait "yittle boy",  just you wait.

Center Animal fun with his buddy Iris

 Dot Drawing with his buddy Liam

 Puzzles with Miss Sara, his teacher

It's not that unusual for Blake to hang off of me ...

Play doh fun ...

to my Mom and Dad
for helping me pick up Blake
a few days a week. 
Sophie and Blake, on 2 days during the week,
get out of school at the exact same time.
They make being 2 places at once ...
(which I clearly cannot be!)
look quite easy! 
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Sophie's First Day of Kindergarten

Well, it has been a bit over a year since I last blogged ...

We've travelled and we've lived life ...
It's been the type of life where you're on your feet, running around, busy all day long. 

Well folks, I'm just a few weeks from having both kids in school. 
Yes, you heard that right, for the first time in 5 years, I will have consistent time alone. 
And perhaps more time to blog....

So here we are ...
Sophie's FIRST day of Kindergarten.

Let me explain how we got here.
We applied to 3 private schools and 3 charter schools.
I had absolutely NO intention of sending Sophie anywhere but private
and really, applied to charter schools on a whim ... 
just because a mom at Sophie's gymnastics told me to.
And because it took all but 5 minutes to write our names on an online form ...
and press submit. 

Then, what I thought was one of the worst days of my life happened ...
We, not Sophie, got rejected at all 3 private schools.
And waitlisted at the 3 charter schools.
Way to feel like a loser. Seriously.

But, what was one of our worst days was maybe an arrow of certainty 
of where we should go.

Out of anxiousness, we applied at another (very expensive) private school ...
and by miracle, received a spot in their Kindergarten class. 
And as we were gaining confidence, we received an email
that we had also gained a spot at a charter school,
Goethe International Charter School. 

Goethe is a German immersion school. 
This basically means that students are taught in English in the morning
and German in the afternoon  ... or vice versa. 
It had been a school with a great reputation that I had heard of
before I we had put Sophie's name in the lottery so
I really felt like we had won. 

And today, August 18, 2014,
Sophie started her first day as a Kindergartener at Goethe.

The morning started out kind of rough.
Both kids were still asleep at 7am and we were supposed to leave
at 7:15am. Clearly that wasn't going to happen.
And then, Sophie really disliked her uniform ... 
she wanted to wear purple ... which wasn't an option.
Red, Light Blue and some form of Dark Blue.
Clearly that was not an option.

But, I stayed calm and before we knew it,
these photos were happening:

And we were off to school ...

 As was the German/Austrian tradition, 
for a student's first day of school (excluding preschool),
my friends Lino and Claudia helped me make a schultute for Sophie.
A schultute is a cone filled with goodies like a small doll, book and little trinkets - like pencils, erasers ... that type of stuff.
Lino made both Sophie and his daughter, Ella, Elsa cones.
Claudia was in charge of fabric choices and I just helped cut and glue.

And Blake wanted a photo next to the schultute.
He kept asking, "Where is sistahs? Where is sistahs?"

 This is Ella. Claudia and Lino's daughter. Ella is Sophie's oldest friend. 
When we were preparing for the birth of our girls,
the Wiehens, Andrew and myself took a birth preparedness class.
That was the class where our families became that kind of forever friends that you wish for.
A few weeks after the class ended, I heard a distinctly German voice as I was coming in for my
non-stress preggy test. And it was Claudia! Well, that day, we exchanged pleasantries. And wouldn't you know, our hospital rooms were the only two rooms across from each other in a small little hallway. 
We've been friends ever since ... and now, our girls are in school together!

 This is how she waved at me.
A side wave, no eye contact, no tears.
Just this. 
I think Mommy was more anxious than this tough cookie.

And just like that, she was gone. 
My baby just walked away ... like a big girl. 

 She found her place in line.
And I didn't see Sophie again until pickup at 2:50pm.

Blake wanted to ride in our shopping cart ...
so we let him, just 1/2 a block before he asked "Out!"


And the craziest thing happened to me during pick up.
A woman came up to me and said,
"I know you" ... which had me thinking,
 "Well, I don't know you"
And this mom (who had 2 kids at Goethe) said,
"I saw you at Bel Air Presbyterian (where we go to church) 
when you were pregnant your little guy (Blake) ... I've been praying
for you ... and when I saw you this morning, I thought, another Christian"!

Crazy huh ... 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

No Cavity Club!!!!

A few weeks ago,
Sophie and Blake visited the Dentist for the first time.
I was a little anxious, especially with Sophie.
At 4, perhaps she should have already been 
to the Dentist a few times already. 

But, there is the first time for everything ...
and Blake went first.

 In the waiting room, drawing and waiting to be called in ...

So, Blake wore his "Candy Monster" t-shirt.
I thought it was funny ... until I thought, what if he has cavities ...
or if the doctor thinks it's not funny ...
Fortunately, none of it happened - 
Blake joined the "NO CAVITY" Club ... and
the doctor thought the shirt was funny. 
She wanted to buy one herself!

Inspecting the tools.
Blake only got as far as inspecting the tools
and the doctor inspecting his teeth (while he screamed).
It's not expected for a 2 year old to get his teeth cleaned.
It's more about the experience so someday, he will get his teeth cleaned!

A few days later, 
it was Sophie's turn.
She has a few more photos since she had 
a great dentist visit ... cleaning and all!!!

 Drawing a card while waiting to be called in

 They even had a chalk wall!!!

 Trying out the equipment before the teeth cleaning

 Glasses to shield from the bright light

 Teeth cleaning in progress!
Coincidentally, when I arrived, I saw these wall decals
and realized that they were decals designed by my friend,
Mia, and her wall decal business "Pop & Lolli" - exciting
to see these decals out in the world!

 Sophie's teeth were white and shiny
after the cleaning! 

 Sophie was so excited!
And happy to show her teeth ...

 Doctor checking for cavities ...

Celebrating the NO CAVITY Club!
Naturally with a sugary fruit smoothie.
Don't worry, we brushed her teeth afterwards!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The 4th of July!

We often don't appreciate our freedom 
or think about not having it
because most have us, have never experienced oppression ...
or not being able to do what we want to do, 
when or wherever we want to do.

But if there is a day to appreciate it,
to celebrate being an American,
it is on the 4th of July ...

On this 4th of July,
we started by being in our little hometown parade.

 Our family ... 
getting ready to be a part of the parade!

 "The Freedom Riders"

 Charlotte, Christy and Patty

 Our little American Girl! 

 Steve and Andrew
The American Twins!

 Mommy and her "Freedom Riders"

 Daddy and his "Freedom Riders"

 Christy doing a trick

A Cookie Reward for Blake
for completing the parade route ...

Then after a quick rest and nap for Blake,
we headed to our friends, Francois, Mia, Anabelle and Magalie's house
for a 4th of July BBQ.

 Little Miss Magalie,
chowing down on some 4th of July cheerios

 Mia created this amazingly fun car wash for her girls.
My friend is so creative! 

 Playing in some sand


Sophie and Anabelle -
Good Friends!

 Blake loved the car wash!

 The guys - Justin, Francois and Andrew

The girls - Charlotte, Mia and Brooke

We ended the night with our annual trip to watch the fireworks
on the sidewalk, next to the Brentwood Country Club.
Each year, they have an amazing fireworks display,
and since my parents live in the neighborhood, 
we have always gone to enjoy it,
with about 100 people from our neighborhood ...
that we haven't seen since the year previously.

And to think, the 4th of July was on Thursday ...
and the start of a great weekend ahead!